
Showing posts from December, 2009

@@@@@Welcome to the United Socialist States of America@@@@@

I am sickened that the Senate Passed this healthcare bill... I don't understand WHY these people did not listen to the American people who said WE DO NOT WANT THIS! But apparently we are not smart enough to know what we want and the Senate is... the last time I checked these people were elected to represent US and what WE WANT, not what our esteemed Community Organizer wants... but this is exactly what these morons have done... I see MANY Senators losing their seats this coming election... at least I hope they lose their seats... Nothing about this bill was bi-partisan at all... whether people were democrats or republicans, one thing brought them together, a NO VOTE was wanted on this bill... just look at the polls that were taken on this issue... no one wanted this bill passed! Now we have to fight the house to keep this bill from passing... I would like to encourage everyone to contact their congress reps and tell them to vote NO on this bill... of course I don't know how